Spider-Man still going strong

My 17 month old son claimed this Mego Spider-Man for his own. It's actually the oldest Mego I have. I bought him in 1983 in Belen, New Mexico at a dime store. I had given my Megos away a few years earlier in a gesture to grow up and stop playing with dolls, but I justified the purchase because I was drawing a lot of comic books and wanted him as a model to pose. My mom even sewed up the costume so it was more tight fitting. He hung by a string over my drawing baord for years, eventually all the color faded from his hands due to the sunlight and the seams have started to give. But he's a good Mego and he's my son's very own "Spy-aderrr--manAH".
That's cool that he took to (and then just took) your oldest Mego. Kid has good toy genes!
Wierd, my 4-year old just tried to lay claim to my Mego Spidey. So far, Spidey is still mine. I'm still trying to decide if he's ready for the responsibility of Mego ownership. ;)
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